Microbiology and Cell Counting

Microbiology and cell counting

A laboratory devoted to the culturing, examination, and identification of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and yeasts will definitely need these products.

The number and diversity of microorganisms infecting humans and animals are ever increasing. Understanding how microbes cause disease and evade treatment is crucial for the protection of global public health. Intuitive, robust instrumentation and molecular diagnostics assays meet the needs of both clinical microbiologists and those in industrial and applied microbiology.

The investigation and characterization of all living organisms (i.e. bacteria, viruses, prions and fungi) that are too little to be seen with the naked eye is the driving force for microbiologists. We provide analytical solutions to characterize microbe’s size, concentration, molecular fingerprint and kinetics to better understand their roles in biodegradation, contamination and diseases. These multidimensional organisms are now being used as drugs, for biofuels development and removal of toxins to name a few.

Pharmaceutical microbiologists are responsible for ensuring that the supply of life-saving drugs and vaccines are free from microorganism contamination. By maintaining product safety and quality with reliable microbial testing, the downtime of production and delay in deliveries can be minimized, while ensuring regulatory compliance. Pharmaceutical companies require microbial identification not only for production line control, but also for sterile products such as vaccines.

Identification of contaminating microbes is an important public safety issue in many fields such as the control of food quality and the manufacture of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Previous research has shown the potential for Raman spectroscopy in combination with chemometric methods to investigate bulk samples as well as a single bacterium and yeast cell for classification on the species and strain level.



Raman Microscope (LabRAM Soleil)

Raman Microscope (LabRAM Soleil)

Forget long and tedious preparation operations before getting your Raman image. LabRAM Soleil™ offers advanced automated functions and, in combination with the EasyImage™ wizard, it dramatically reduces parameter setting time and ensures maximum stability and reproducibility.

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Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer (Duetta)

Duetta™ is a spectrofluorometer that combines, simultaneously, the functions of fluorescence and absorbance spectrometers. Thanks to its high-speed built-in CCD detector, the Duetta can acquire a full spectrum from 250 nm to 1,100 nm in less than one second, making it the fastest fluorescence spectrometer on the market.

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Mass Spectrometer (MALDI-TOF/TOF)

The analytical advantages of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization TOF MS have been demonstrated for more than 25 years. With inherent advantages including its speed (time to results) and application flexibility, the convenience and effectiveness of MALDI-TOF MS is magnified by virtue of its low sample volume requirements and broad sample content (salts, buffers) amenability.
READ MORE: (https://www.bruker.com/en/products-and-solutions/mass-spectrometry/maldi-tof.html )

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Microbial Identification System (MALDI Biotyper® sirius CA System)

The MALDI Biotyper® (MBT) is a microbial identification system based on MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, allowing unbiased identification of microorganisms within a few minutes down to the species level. The MBT is an easy, rapid, robust, high-throughput, cost-effective and efficient identification technology, ideally suited to microbial laboratories.

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