Solar Power

Solar Power Analysis

13 months of sunshine is a lot of solar power, which means, quality control!

Quality control to maximize efficiency is critical in the competitive photovoltaic industry. For some time, solar texture has been thought to qualitatively affect solar cell efficiency. However, through large-area, 3D measurements and areal feature parameters, quantitative correlation of texture to efficiency has only recently been obtained. We now know that ISO 3D surface parameters linearly correlate with solar cell efficiency.
The efficiency, stability and operational lifetime of photovoltaic devices has recently improved. With a better understanding of the chemical composition, microstructure, defects and contamination, the overall opto-electronic performance of solar cells can be further enhanced to address the global energy problem. This can be done using Bruker’s state of the art electron microscope analyzers.
Numerous semiconductor devices such as solar cells are nowadays made up of multiple layers. To investigate such layered systems in the final product, Bruker’s micro-XRF solution allows to simultaneously measure the layers thickness and their compositions.


X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometer (M1 MISTRAL)

Compact multi-purpose benchtop micro-XRF for small spot (100 µm) and multi-layer analysis (2 nm – 60 µm thickness range), compositional analysis down to ppm level.

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Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (QUANTAX EDS for TEM)

Slim-line design and geometrical optimization for each microscope pole piece type ensure maximum collection and take-off angle.

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